Buidlroot problem

 1) Fetch the patch
    wget -O matchbox-fix.patch http://git.buildroot.net/buildroot/patch/?id=51ef5b81224c243aa7f937c4690b1a120c81ccbc
 2) Go the Buildroot directory
    cd /the/path/to/your/buildroot/directory/
 3) Apply the patch
    cat /the/path/to/the/patch/matchbox-fix.path | patch -p1

yeah… trying to build a full system for the OMAP-L138…is a real pain in the ass to build a linux kernel by my own resources, so I found a while ago a tool named Buildroot, very usefull, and works just fine. Compile my kernel and makes everything go well if you don’t mess with graphics. Now I have 2 issues with this platform:

1)-The motherfkn bootloader doesn’t work. Does not charge the data from the SD and I blame the U-boot tool and my lack of knowledge and hability of over that tool.Just work if manually I make the load of the system from my “host” computer. The boot loader recognize the data in the SD but no the image of the OS.

2)- Not critical, but the graphics aren’t working well. This is the last time that I will ever use this platform, so I want to go graphics with this thing.